Used Book Sales

Looking for gently used books at bargain prices?

Stop by one of our Second Chapter Used Bookstores, visit our online bookstore, or shop a special book sale event to find a great selection of fiction, nonfiction, music and movies for all ages.
Second Chapter Used Bookstore
Second Chapter Used Bookstore
Find stores in all DCL locations excluding Louviers.
  • Hardcover Books, $3
  • Trade Paperbacks, All Audio/Audiovisual, $2
  • Mass Market Paperback, Kids/Young Adult Books, Book Bags, $1
  • Children's Books, $0.50
Sales tax will be added at checkout.
Online Bookstore
Online Bookstore
Visit our Amazon Marketplace bookstore for more great finds. Your purchase helps to preserve our libraries now and for the future.
Book Sale Events
Book Sale Events
In addition to ongoing sales in our stores, we host special sale events several times each year. Be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter to be notified of special sales.
Douglas County Libraries gratefully accepts donations of new and used books, music CDs, and DVDs.
Before donating, please review these guidelines. For more information about donating or purchasing used books, call us at (303) 791-7323.